Friday, August 10, 2012

Race Sign Up: Denver Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon Relay

Runners of all capabilities can enjoy the half marathon experience by grabbing a buddy and running. Partner up with a fellow running enthusiast and register your Relay team today!

The first relay member will run the first leg with the commemorative Rock ‘n’ Roll Relay drumstick in hand. The exchange will take place at the designated relay transition zone at City Park; and from there the second relay member will run the drumstick through to the finish line on Bannock Street between 14th Ave and Colfax Ave.

1st Leg Distance – 7.8 miles

2nd Leg Distance – 5.3 miles

Rocks. Tonic. Juice. Magic.

Bit different workout, but I like it because it focuses on the basics. I wanted to quit pretty much every second after I finished the third round, but I kept pushing (breaking it into manageable chunks) and got it done. Felt amazing to push all the way through.

10 Push Ups
10 Hanging Leg Raises
10 Pull Ups
10 Dips
10 Sit Ups
10 Air Squats
10 Squat Thrusts
1 mile Run (1.0 incline)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Runnin' against the Wind

If the wind was blazing hot sun with 481% humidity. Shit sucked, but I got it done. Slowly.

4 Mile Run, 30 Mountain Climbers every mile

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Race Sign Up: Rogue Runner

An obstacle mud run for you and your friends. Our 10K (6 mile) course and 20+ obstacles will challenge you whether you have been racing for years, or you are just getting into shape. Grab your friends, or make some new ones and get ready to Go Rogue.

It's maybe 15 minutes from my place, and looks pretty fun. I created a "team" where the more people you get to join, the more money you get back to spend on crap you don't need while you are on-site. I just signed up for the 9AM wave... it's listed as the "elite" race (I'm apparently living vicariously though a former self) where you can win prizes and stuff, but it looks like new heats leave every half hour. I'd suggest going earlier than later as the course gets all mucked up. I also found a promo code (GOUSA) for 20% off ($11 bucks!). Any interest fellas? You can always shack up at Casa de Krafty.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Back In the High Life Again

Today's workout was just to try to get back into the swing of things. Give 'er a try...

50 body weight Squats
20 Push-ups
2 minute Plank
50 jumping Lunges
10 Burpees
Max Pull-ups
50 Crunches
Run 4 Miles

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


My old teammates forgot...

about our pact to get out of shape after college.  This is why I need to change my diet.

I have run 77 miles so far this month and I'm shooting for 82 by the end of today.  However, this picture doesn't look like someone that works out.  Time to hit it harder in August and stop hitting the bars so fu*king hard!
